• Prepare your stock

    Create a shipment
    Create your shipment list at our online system, confirm when you have shipped the items. A pdf format labels will be created for you to stick on each of your items. These labels will help us to allocate your items while we do not recognize your item but the labels.

  • Transport your stock to iCubic

    You can select your option on by which way you want to ship your stock to us.

    Option 1: Sea/Air freight container/parcel at your own cooperated freight company
    Option 2: Air freight parcels via iCubic Australian specific line
    Option 3: Sea Freight container via iCubic cooperated freight company

    Please note, iCubic can not be your consignee due to the limitation of Australian TAX and law issues.

  • Check-in & Storage

    We will check in your shipment when we received it, according to the list you submitted. After checked in, this shipment will become your stock, which can be seen in your account. The stock information showed in the system is up to date means any changes will be updated immediately in the system. iCubic will then organize storage of your items, make them safe and clear.

  • Submit order & Despatch

    When you have an order from a customer, our online system can easily get the information remotely on your behalf. You can then process the order and decide whether you want us to despatch the items for that order. When you confirmed that you want us to despatch your order, we will arrange appropriate courier to deliver the parcel, within 1 business day.